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Monday, September 01, 2008


Most Popular Lies Discovered During Pre-Employment Background Checks

In the years since 9-11 the percentage of American businesses conducting pre-employment background checks on applicants has increased significantly. Employers have had to learn that many job seekers know how to gloss over their past to make themselves more appealing to hiring managers and recruiters. Although the chances that an applicant is a would-be terrorist or an extremely violent criminal are slim, employers have found that looking into a person’s history before offering them the job can weed out the untruthful and make the workplace safer.

According to some experts, as many as 40 percent of Americans have been caught either stretching the truth or straight out lying on job applicants. Statistics show that the lies discovered during the course of a pre-employment background check usually fall into one of the following categories:

Employers who conduct background checks save themselves from losing money on workers who can’t possibly provide what they have claimed and save themselves from the lawsuits that employing the wrong person can result in. Because of this, the percentage of businesses that require proof of an individuals skills before offering them a job will also continue to increase. Although taking these precautions will help to safe-guard one’s office, employers should remember that no background check is flawless.


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