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Friday, September 29, 2006


Paying Jobseekers for the interview

I found this interesting thread on the PageBites blog. I can't imagine many companies paying people to interview, but hey, its a competitive market.

PageBites is interviewing in Boston.

I'm going to be in Boston from March 31 to April 4. If you are a software engineer and live in Boston, this is your chance to interview with us.

All you have to do is send your resume to with the subject line "I want to work at PageBites - Boston". Qualified candidates will be selected for an interview.

This will be a technical interview for software engineers who want to join our Palo Alto, CA office.

And of course, we will pay you for your time: $100.


Posted at: 11:02 | Comments (3) | Permalink

Posted by Bob at Mon Apr 10 16:00:56 2006
I have some questions for you, Ralph. I've seen PageBites' postings requesting people apply for jobs at PageBites a few times already over the course of about a month, and always with the offer to pay $100 to interview with you.

I find it difficult to believe you haven't yet found someone(s) for this/these position(s), especially given the fact that you must have lots of resumes on file. So something smells fishy to me.

Do people who pursue this interview with you end up with their resume listed on your site? Is this some kind of bait and switch?

"Oh, sorry, you don't have the skills we're currently looking for, but we'll keep you in mind in the future. By the way, we'd be happy to put your resume in our engine...."
Posted by Ralph at Thu Apr 13 11:04:56 2006
Hi Bob,

No this is not a bait and switch. We have phone screened around 50 people, interviewed around 10, and have paid all who interviewed $100. We just have high standards for our software engineers. Ask any startup in silicon valley and they will tell you that hiring is the most important thing a company does.


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