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Thursday, January 27, 2011


San Diego Tech Jobs Supported by CIRM

An organization responsible for stem cell research is creating thousands of San Diego tech jobs and other biotech positions throughout the state.

A recent study found that the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine is well on its way to creating 25,000 jobs and generating $200 million in new tax revenue by 2014. Jobs created by CIRM range from research scientists and laboratory assistants to staff members and construction workers.

CIRM was created in 2004 when voters approved the California Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative. That ballot initiative called for $3 billion in funding for stem cell research at universities and institutions and the establishment of a state agency to make grants and provide loans.

"When voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 71, they expected CIRM to do two things: Deliver hope for people suffering from a range of serious health conditions, and deliver an economic boost for the state," Robert Klein, chairman of the CIRM Governing Board, said. "This report demonstrates that we've delivered on the economic promise today, even as we continue to see strong positive milestones on the research side progressing rapidly toward therapies."

To date, CIRM has committed $1.1 billion in grants, which should be used by the end of 2014. Those grants are being used for:
Officials credit CIRM for creating two biotech clusters in California, one in the Bay Area and one in the San Diego area, with the creation of a third biotech cluster in the LA area to take shape soon. Click here to find a tech job description that interests you.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Fort Worth Jobs Added as Economy Recovers

More Fort Worth jobs were added at the end of last year as the local economy continues to recover. Visit to see some of the local jobs that are available.

During December, the unemployment rate throughout Texas increased from 8.2 percent to 8.3 percent, which is still below the national average of 9.4 percent. The Fort Worth area had an unemployment rate of 8.2 percent during November.

The Fort Worth-Arlington area employed about 858,300 workers during December, which is up from 857,600 workers during November and a 1 percent increase from the previous year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Only four industries managed to add jobs in Fort Worth (Click here) during December. The trade, transportation, and utilities industry saw the biggest growth, adding 1,600 jobs.

Other industries that saw a monthly increase in employment include: leisure and hospitality by 300 jobs; manufacturing by 100 jobs; and education and health services by 100 jobs. Employment in the mining, logging, and construction industry remained even over the month with 53,600 jobs.

The year-over-year employment picture looks a lot more promising, as six industries experienced job growth between December 2009 and December 2010. The government industry grew the most, increasing by 3.7 percent over the year, for a current total of 128,600 workers.

Other industries that saw an over-the-year increase in employment include:


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Retail Jobs See Growth During Holidays

The 2010 holiday shopping season was great for retail jobs. Check out for more information.

A recent report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that retailers added 646,300 jobs between October and December of last year. This is an increase o 28.9 percent from 2009, when the retail industry added 501,400 jobs during the holiday shopping season.

Another report from Challenger Gray & Christmas found that retail hiring during November of last year was the same as during 2009, but hiring during October and December was higher than it has been in several years.

In fact, employers added about 146,800 retail jobs during October, which is the highest increase since October 2006. Retailers added another 181,900 jobs during December, which is the highest growth since December 2005.

"It turns out the additional hiring was warranted, as retailers experienced their best holiday sales season in several years," Challenger CEO John A. Challenger said. "It is too soon to say that the consumer is back, but the level of holiday spending certainly suggests that optimism is on the rise.

"Now, the question is whether the consumer will go into post-holiday hibernation," he continued. "If there's any indication that some of the spending power will persist into the new year, retailers may keep some of the temporary seasonal workers on a permanent basis. While there are no hard numbers to confirm continued gains in holiday hiring in 2011, it just seems like we are seeing more 'help wanted' signs in store windows even after the holidays ended."

Click here to see a retail salesperson job description and learn more about what these types of employees do.


Monday, January 10, 2011


Houston Jobs Supported through Energy Efficiency Program

A number of Houston jobs will be supported through a new program aimed at increasing energy efficiency.

As part of the Green Office Challenge, city officials and several local organizations are working together to launch the Energy Efficiency Incentive Program. The program will provide office building owners, property managers, and tenants a financial incentive to reduce energy consumption in their building.

The EEIP - started by the City of Houston, the GeoTechnology Research Institute/Houston Advanced Research Center, and the Clinton Climate Initiative - is being funded by $3 million of an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Energy.

"The Energy Efficiency Incentive Program is an unprecedented opportunity for commercial building owners and managers to actively engage in the city-wide sustainability strategy - to make Houston a greener, cleaner and healthier place for ourselves and future Houstonians," Mayor Annise Parker said in a statement. "The energy efficiency projects completed as part of this program will significantly reduce energy consumption, save money, create green jobs and help buildings achieve their sustainability goals."

In order to be eligible for funding, business owners must have an energy manager perform an energy audit and make energy conservation recommendations. Those recommendations must result in at least a projected 15 percent savings in energy costs in order to be eligible.

Eligible businesses will then be able to receive incentives of up to 20 percent of the up-front implementation costs, with the maximum incentive allowed per building ranging from $20,000 to $200,000. At least 60 percent of the funding will be used for projects costing less than $500,000.

Building owners shouldn't worry about footing the bill for the remainder of the upgrades, as those costs should be reimbursed through reductions in utility costs within 18 to 48 months of the project's completion.


Wednesday, January 05, 2011


City of Houston Jobs Grow Despite Unemployment Hike

More City of Houston jobs were added during November, even as the local unemployment rate continued to climb.

During November, the Houston area's unemployment rate rose to 8.6 percent after remaining steady at 8.2 percent for two months in a row. Despite that increase, the area's rate is still lower than the national average of 9.8 percent.

The Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown area employed a total of 2,536,500 workers during November, which is up from 2,525,600 workers during October and a .4 percent increase from 2009, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Here's a look at how each industry stacked up over the month:
On a yearly basis, local industries fared as follows:



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